B. Mello Music Studio in Troy, NY
Get Ready to LOVE Your Music Lessons

B. Mello Music makes music fun! We are a quickly growing studio, because our students don’t want to don’t want their lesson time to end!
Our teachers take time to connect with each student, and our fun approach to music lessons helps kids LOVE their lesson time.
Lessons are open to students of any age, from preschool, to school age, to adults of all ages.
“I love to see Darya being challenged but also having fun learning. Darya has a great understanding of basic music theory and has moved along quickly with her skills. I credit Ms. Becca’s ability to guide Darya well and reinforce concepts that need reminding in a fun way.”
– Tami M.

We are so thankful for Hope Lutheran Church and First United Presbyterian Church in Troy, for providing our lesson spaces!